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Can't wait for summer 2021!

Well, 2020 is finally over! While we were fortunate enough to be able to spend some time on the boat ourselves last summer, we sure did miss sailing with guests and meeting new people! We can't wait for this summer season when we hope (fingers and toes crossed) that life in southern Ontario will return to something closer to normal and we can return to hosting your sailing experience!

It's still early and we know it feels like we're all still in the worst of it, but there's light at the end of the tunnel. Lift-in is not until April (last summer it was postponed until June) and we're keeping a close eye on the Kingston tourism landscape for the coming season.

The Jacoba Burg is chillin' on the hard in Cobourg, getting some maintenance and upgrades from Captain Gerry while she waits for launch date. It's been a pretty mild winter so far, but it is only January!

Hang in there everyone and stay safe! Here's hoping we'll be able to take you out on the water this summer! In the meantime, if you are looking to purchase your own sailboat for next season, we offer a number of consulting services to make sure you've got the right boat, in the right condition and the skills to manage and sail her. Check out our full range of professional sailing consulting services at


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